The tags are located near the cab of the truck after blown up.

In front of this building is a blue truck that needs to be destroyed in order to obtain the Destruction Enthusiast Dog Tags. When you come into this next area after the tunnel, you’ll see a building in front of you with blue blankets hanging about the staircase. Once all enemies are clear, head through the doors to the next area.

If you head to your left you will find the wreckage of a car, between it and the tree is the M249 on its bipod. Use your optics to get a sense of where everyone is. If you focus all your fire on these two, other soldiers will flank you. Head into the park where two more of the same type of gunners will be taking cover behind the far set of boulders near the tunnel entrance you need access too. Take him out quickly with well-placed shots to the chest area. This enemy has a light machine gun with a lot of rounds per mag. There will be an enemy near the next large opening in the second wall who cannot be killed by headshot. Many enemies will be at a long range distance, making sniper rifles much more useful here. Use the cache to grab sniper rifles and explosives to take out the tank. Head to the wall and through the large opening in the middle. Go to the right back right of this rooftop and you’ll see an A-91 waiting to be picked up. To get a hidden weapon, go to the blue house on the left side, scale to its rooftop and jump over to the white house behind it. C4 and mines are located near the crashed helicopter on the right in the supply cache. There are plenty of RPGs in the houses and on their rooftops. When you get to the battlefield, there are many small housing buildings spread throughout, as well as a tank.